Becoming a free agent

Friday, 5th March 2021 ◆ Old copper left coalition for freedom (11) Personal

At the end of last month, I took the decision to leave my job. Working from home for almost a year was taking its toll, and I felt a little isolated and unproductive as a result. I've also had a growing urge to spend more time pursuing my personal projects. I'm excited to take this leap, and I am committing to spending at least a year navigating the open ocean of joblessness.

In the few weeks that have passed since then, I have felt really productive. I have:

  • completed another project for Board Game Arena - it'll have to remain a secret for the time being, but I'm excited about it!
  • made major strides towards a developer environment for Kangaroo
  • spruced up the homepage of Kangaroo - I wanted it to look more inviting, and to be able to show off more of the site without hiding it behind a login screen
  • spent some time cooking - now I'm at home, I want to make sure we are always eating healthy and cheap food

For the coming year, I want to:

  • continue developing Kangaroo - I'd like a few more games, and to continue building the community of players (beyond just my friends...)
  • participate in a couple of game-jams - starting with 7drl next week
  • pick up more freelance work where I can
  • spend more time outdoors - I love the mountains, and I really should take advantage of how close they are whilst I'm living in Madrid...

I'm excited for what I'll be able to do with all this time on my hands!


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